VW T25 “Purple Pulser”

Purple Pulser was a bit of a mongrel really with an interesting history.
PP started life as a German Westfalia campervan bought there whilst I was working for a company called E-Plus. I saw an advert on the local work staff board selling it for about £300 without an MOT, I bought it straight away with the proviso I could collect it in December when I was going back to the UK. December came and I duly collected the van my wife following me in our other car, now at this point the van was insured BUT still not mot’d (TUV in Germany) so it was a short but slightly illegal drive to the border with Holland fortunately all went well and we crossed the border with no incidents. The rest was a uneventful drive back to the UK.

Once back in the UK I registered and MOT’d the van all was now legal, I took it to my local garage to find out why the engine lacked power. Apparently the exhaust had been welded to the engine so the garage had to cut it off and replace the entire exhaust system at a cost of over £500 ! ouch. Well the van was quieter but strangely no more powerful anyhow we embarked on a trip to Cornwall. All was going swimmingly or so we thought until a car overtook us on the motorway and shouted “your engines on fire !” Fortunately it wasn’t far to the services and a nice RAC man took us all the way back home it took hours.

That episode marked the end of the German campervan BUT i did by a UK T25 van and moved all the parts from the German van to the UK one includin the Pop Top but not the windows. I now had a UK Westfalia Campervan which was then sprayed a Purple colour and duly named Purple Pulser (apparently ) Ann Summers sells a vibrator with the same name ?

In 2005 we moved to Sweden and sadly this meant that our T25 had to go so it was put on a website a bout Vw Campervans and she was sold very quickly.